Greg and Yue Hans Crogan estate wedding
(Posted on 16/08/16)

This day was completely unexpected , as in I wasn't expecting to be contacted just 5 weeks before a wedding date to cover a wedding!!! Id booked this weekend off all year an had been saving it for some family time but about 3 weeks previous to this, Our cousin also booked a last minute wedding and so the weekend off, was no more , Boy am I glad I was available!!
I arrived at this beautiful venue, tucked in the Welsh Hills and was surprised to have not visited before, this venue was perfect, everything a venue should be me, It had an air of Grandeur and only taking 5 weddings a year, such a personal feel to it. I felt hypnotised by every corner, and then I met Yue Han.
Yue Han, a beautiful young lady of Chinese heritage, no makeup and sitting in a chair , the light from the windows dancing softly on her face, she was breathtakingly natural and the sort of pretty that exists in Disney films, I couldn't wait to get dug into capturing this day!
Greg and Yue Han met 6 years ago , the perfect match. A match made in Heaven.